Who doesn’t want to have his/her own home—a space you can comfortably live in, do what you want, relax, decorate, have a great time in, and a place you can call yours? Everyone has a dream home in their mind. Even the rich purchase and build multiple homes. Homes are necessities to live. However, a lot of people could not afford to have their own place. A lot of people still rely on apartments to live in. Or they have to live with their relatives or friends.
Having your own home is important because if it’s yours, you have the security. You can purchase things you like without thinking that you might take up too much space. You may decorate it whatever you want without considering the preferences of other people. You can come and go whenever you want to. You would not worry about invading other people’s privacy unlike if you live with a roommate. In your own home, you feel more at ease.
The role of real estate finance is to give people more flexible payment terms to pay for their own place. Land and houses are really expensive these days. But they are also great investments especially land because land appreciates in value, unlike other assets that depreciate. With real estate finance, you can pay for your home in 24 months, in 36 months, more or less depending on your contract. It gives you more time to earn the money you need for the month’s pay and enables you to afford your own home.
The role of real estate finance is to enable people to purchase their dream homes while giving real estate agents and real estate businessmen enough profits to make an industry out of it. It goes both ways. With real estate finance, you can live in your dream house.